Saturday, 19 July 2014

Bird Sculpture

for  bird sculpture

The Sculptress JOEL is famous for detailed portraits of people and animals,  and makes bird sculptures with all the attention to the accuracy for different species.

She is starting to make new sculptures and statues of birds to highlight the need for nature conservation and the new project  is seeking support to celebrate  and save the Swift  - Apus Apus - the astonishing bird of northern summer skies famous for  only landing to raise their young.

Photo by  Paweł Kuźniar

Many of her bird sculptures are suitable for  gifts, table top sized, as well as  large designs for gardens and other open spaces and life sized sculptures of certain varieties.

 These make spectacular features for gardens and  courtyards.

If you  would like to help support the new Swift project or would like to commission a particular design or type,  contact the Sculptress JOEL at the Tenon Studio.